- Introduction to the GBR technique with cortical sheets.
- Classification of crestal defects, mechanisms of bone resorption, review of the literature.
- Scientific background and presentation of the different types of cortical sheets and indications for the use of the different types of sheets depending on the clinical situation.
- Step-by-step surgical technique: from planning, to the type of incision, to the mobilization of the buccal and lingual flaps.
- Suturing techniques to achieve primary closure.
- Treatment of horizontal defects, vertical defects and 3D.
- Growth factors and fibrin glue.
- Technique Modifications: F.I.R.S.T. (Fibrinogen Induced Regenerative Sealing Technique) and LEGO and their combinations.
- Resolution of defects derived from peri-implantitis.
- Resolution of cases with fractured and/or poorly positioned implants.
- Use of the cortical lamina in aesthetic areas and treatment of multidisciplinary cases.
- Complications and their management.
- Live surgery.
- Projection of interventions carried out previously, commented on in all its phases.
- Jaw workshop with bone defects and application of grafts and laminates.
Prezzo del corso: 1600€. Prezzo per iscrizione anticipata (entro il 31 luglio 2023): 1100€
Lingua del corso: inglese con traduzione simultanea in spagnolo
Organizzatore: BeiDE